Wednesday, December 16, 2015

It Comes to an End

Fundamentals of Digital Media has led me down a crazy rabbit hole. It’s a completely different set of mediums and almost a whole new world to me. Each project, from taking pictures of Toledo to creating my own mashup has taken me out of my comfort zone. Going down a street I take every day to school, I was able to take pictures of what seemed like a post-apocalyptic world. I wouldn’t have paid any mind to the buildings or the signs I passed until I slowed down to really look at my surroundings. I am not tech-savy. When we had to download a CD, make our own song, make our own video, and so on, I was clueless. Thankfully I had an amazing teacher who not only provided articles that taught us about our weekly assignment but she went so far as to create video tutorials for us. This was especially helpful for me to see the tools and programs in action. Until our Typologies project, I didn’t realize how many earrings I owned but I loved it all the same. This project reminded me why I owned so many and that it was one of the only things I could wear to work to feel girly. Wearing a dress and heels is not beneficial for working in a car service department. I really enjoyed creating our website and blog. I never knew that there were so many uses just on the business aspect of art that a website and a blog can have. Even though both of these projects were time consuming, they each have their own purpose. I plan on continuing to use my blog and website. It would be beneficial to use these because it gets my name and my work out to the world and all I have to do is click. With the technology driven world we live in, it is much easier to give someone a business card with my website and blog on it than to give them more personal information so people can see my work. It is important for me, as someone who wants to become a teacher, to know how to use basic technologies especially in the day and age we live in. I want my future students to feel safe leaving their comfort zones to explore art and, in turn, life. How can I ask my students to do that if I haven’t myself? Well, now I have and it was an amazingly crazy experience.