Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Land of the Urbaness Compared

These are my favorite pictures from my Urban Landscape/Urban Landscape Edited Assignment from my Digital Media class. When we initially got this assignment, I was frazzled because I didn't think I could find twenty photos of urban landscape. I didn't even know what 'urban landscape' was. But, after finding out what it really was I started noticing things I saw on a daily basis that could fall into this category. Theses were places and buildings that I passed from home to school almost every day. I didn't really see them as artistic creations but merely part of the background.

I chose this pair of my original and edited pictures because it was one of the first pictures I took. I was on my way to school a little early and saw this on the side of a building I was coming up to. I had to make the quick decision of turning sharply into the overgrown and narrow driveway that went along this wall. Someone driving behind me didn't like that I had slowed down and honked very loudly at me.

The difference between the original and the edited picture, I found very striking. The first picture is fairly light and colorful. There's a bigger distinction between each color and the vines are easier to see. In my edited picture, it reminds me of a Hellboy comic. For those who do not know, Hellboy is a red beast and in the comic books the colors are dark and muted in contrast to his red colored form. I used one of the effects to darken the picture and then bumped up the contrast to take it one step farther. In result of this, my edited picture is fairly dark and has this bright, almost neon, yellow in contrast. I was surprised how different I could make these pictures but I like how different they are.

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