Tuesday, November 8, 2016

2D Media: Mixed Media

I took a slight break from working on my human life cycle piece. I tried asking myself how to represent my notion that there is no afterlife. How can I show that I believe that when your body stops working, that's it? We are animate because we have a heart, a brain, and organs that have to work together for us to live. It's like a clock or computer. One part may stop working but it doesn't stop it entirely but one piece can also fail and the whole thing stops. I was finding it hard to represent. In light of that, I turned back to my work of the Ancient Egyptian beliefs of the afterlife. That is when someone dies, their heart is weighed against a feather to judge if they should go on to the afterlife. In their book of the dead the heart and the feather are equal on the scale which means you past the test. Although, in realistic terms the heart will always weigh heavier than the feather. This means if everyone believed in the ways of Ancient Egyptians then all of our hearts would have been fed to a God which meant our souls would be lost forever which, in their terms, is worse than death.

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