Wednesday, December 14, 2016

2D Methods: Mixed Media

Here are a few images I gathered that I referenced to during the process of making my dad's portrait. I stumbled upon the artist Francoise Nielly. These are all portraits done by her and they are very intriguing to me. Her ability to render the face with these bold colors must be very empowering. Not that there's anything wrong with a realistic portrait but the colors are so bright that I can't help feeling better, about anything and everything, when I look at them. The people don't even have to look happy. My dad's portrait isn't finished but I want to keep working on it when the semester is over. I think it'll be a challenge as I've already hit many road blocks with it but I'm going to keep trying. I want to make his portrait bright and complex and in a way that always makes me feel happy when I look at it.

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