Monday, October 19, 2015

I Was Being A Bad Student

I unfortunately realized that I was not utilizing my blog they way I was supposed to. Granted, I have been posting my projects from my Digital Media class but there is another purpose for it. Early on in the semester, we had to decide what our theme or focus was for our blog. I chose to make things personal. This means that I post confessions about myself like secrets, faults, and little celebrations in my life that make me the person I am today. I will also we doing a twist on 'What's Inside My Bag' but I will get into it more when I make the post itself. My goal for my personal posts is to post one picture of myself every few days, or once a day if possible, providing a confession or the like. I want the people reading this blog to know the things that make me who I am and to see the things that I'm proud of, that embarrass me, that make me ponder the most, the things that scare me and so on. So, for starters, I will post my first confession. It isn't something very serious but it's something that I hold deep within myself that I just enjoy.

Confession #1

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